Education | January 29th, 2024

Part-time postgraduate programme in Paediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Oxford

Applications are now open for entry in Sep. 2024, with the next admissions deadline on 1 March 2024

The University of Oxford's Department of Paediatrics graduate programme draws on world-class research and teaching in paediatric infectious diseases and offers a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of the principles that underpin paediatric infection, the ways in which those principles have developed, and to translate this understanding into good clinical and research practice.

Postgraduate Certificate in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
The new one-year part-time Postgraduate Certificate is aimed at general paediatricians or other paediatric specialists (ie ED, PICU) who have a special interest in infectious diseases. The course closely follows the first year of the two-year Diploma, comprising a blend of online and residential components.
The Certificate offers a one-year alternative to the Postgraduate Diploma however students who successfully complete the Certificate, and wish to continue their studies, may apply for the second year of the Diploma.
Find out more about the Postgraduate Certificate >

Postgraduate Diploma in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Taught via a blend of online and residential components, the two-year part-time Postgraduate Diploma provides an in-depth understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of paediatric infection. It also places the practice of paediatric infectious diseases in the broader context of applied sciences, such as pathogenesis, population biology and epidemiology.
Those who successfully complete the Diploma may apply for the MSc in Paediatric Infectious Diseases.
Find out more about the Postgraduate Diploma > 

MSc in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
This master's degree can be taken part-time over one year as an extension to the Postgraduate Diploma. It is for those who wish to broaden their knowledge about paediatric infection and develop research skills in the subspecialty. It involves a research project of between eight and fourteen weeks and a dissertation based upon this. The research can be carried out in Oxford or locally, making the programme suitable for overseas as well as UK residents.
MSc students become matriculated members of an Oxford college, and so benefit from additional academic, pastoral and social support.
Find out more about the MSc > 

