The 'Planetary Health' Special Interest Group

Welcome to the 'Planetary Health' Special Interest Group of the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR)

Human-induced climate change is the most dangerous threat to the natural environment and human life in the 21st century. Child health is negatively affected by climate change worldwide today. With rising temperatures, the problems affecting children and teens will increase. Research focusing on climate-change-related pediatric health is emerging and will benefit from coordination and support in ESPR.

  • Our objectives

    As healthcare professionals and researchers, we must take responsibility for our young patients' futures. Supporting research and education about the influence of climate change on child health and giving a voice to this vital topic are the big aims of the SIG planetary health group. We also support research on the influence of the health sector on global warming and the possibilities to reduce the CO2 footprint of pediatric health care.

    The primary goals of the planetary health group are:

    • creating a network within the ESPR for collecting ideas on planetary health and child health studies and putting those ideas into action
    • supporting articles on planetary health in the Pediatric RESEARCH magazine
    • establishing planetary health congress sessions
    • presenting your hospital's climate project at congresses and in the Pediatric RESEARCH magazine
  • Meet the SIG Chairs

    Marie-Louise Herrmann
    Medical student
    Planetary Health SIG Chair
    University Hospital Leipzig

    Benjamin W. Ackermann
    Neonatologist, MD
    University Hospital Leipzig


  • Upcoming meetings of the SIG

    more info coming soon.

  • How to engage with us

    Do you want to speak up for planetary health and like to take responsibility for the future of your patient's health? Then we are glad to welcome you to the planetary health group. We are excited about your ideas!

    Please contact the ESPR Secretariat via We will be more than happy to forward your request to the members of the 'Planetary Health' SIG.

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ESPR Research Grant Programme

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The ESPR's meetings

The jENS and CEPAS formats

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