The ESPR Neonatal Resuscitation Section

Welcome to the Neonatal Resuscitation Section of the European Society of Paediatric Research (ESPR)

A very warm welcome to everyone interested in neonatal resuscitation. Whether you are a professor with a lot of experience in designing and running multi-centre randomized clinical trials on the subject, a clinician with ideas about improving clinical care in the delivery room or an emerging researcher interested in the topic, you are more than welcome to join our section.

  • Our objectives

    The aim of this section is to improve and unify care of infants in the delivery room in Europe and beyond. The following objectives can be distinguished:

    - To promote research on pulmonary and hemodynamic changes during postnatal transition
    - To promote collaborations and initiate multi-centre studies
    - To provide evidence-based medicine in this field

  • Meet the Section Council

    Janneke Dekker
    Research fellow, NICU nurse, RN PhD
    Section Chair since 10/22 (1st term)
    Leiden University Medical Center, NL


    Mario Rüdiger
    Neonatologist, MD PhD
    Section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, DE


    Elizabeth Foglia
    Neonatologist, MD MSCE
    Section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA


    Gianluca Lista
    Neonatologist, MD PhD
    Section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    V. Buzzi Children's Hospital, IT


    Francesco Cavigioli
    Neonatologist, MD
    Section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    V. Buzzi Children's Hospital, IT


    Berndt Urlesberger
    Neonatologist, MD PhD
    Section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    Medical University of Graz, AT


    Ronny Knol
    Neonatologist, MD
    Section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    Erasmus Medical Center, NL

    Arjan te Pas
    Neonatologist, MD PhD
    Section council member
    Leiden University Medical Center, NL


    Jeroen van Vonderen
    Pediatric resident, MD PhD
    Young section council member since 09/19 (1st term)
    Leiden University Medical Center, NL


    Marieke Westerman-den Boer
    Research fellow, PhD
    Young Council Member since 09/19 (1st term)
    Leiden University Medical Center, NL
  • Current research projects

    During meetings of the Neonatal Resuscitation section, current and upcoming multi-centre clinical trials are presented and discussed for which collaboration is warmly welcomed. If you are interested in one of the trials, do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator.

    Currently running trials on the subject:

    - ABC3: A randomized clinical trial to assess the effect of physiological-based cord clamping vs time-based cord clamping in preterm infants (<30 weeks GA) on intact survival. Principal Investigator: Arjan te Pas/Ronny Knol ( Aeration, Breathing, Clamping Study 3 - Full Text View -
    - PinC trial: A randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of physiological based vs immediate cord clamping for infants with CDH on the incidence of pulmonary hypertension. Principal Investigator: Philip DeKoninck (
    - Philodendroom study: Randomized trial comparing a CPAP level of 5 vs 8 cmH2O at birth. Principal Investigator: Francesco Cavigioli (

    As part of our collaboration, we are currently planning a large (>40 centres) multi-centre stepped wedge cluster randomized trial, comparing selective vs repetitive stimulation in infants <32 week gestation. Outcomes are all collected in the delivery room and shortly after admission to the NICU, and the only equipment need to collect data is an pulse oximeter. All local procedures can be performed and do not interfere with this study. Please contact Colm O'Donnell ( or Janneke Dekker ( if you are interested in collaborating.

  • Upcoming meetings of the section

    The Neonatal Resuscitation section has two yearly meetings. At the start of March, we meet during the Dresden Symposium on delivery room management, where we held the ESPR Spring School. In fall, we meet in Leiden for the Resuscitation Meeting.

    At both meetings, we discuss research projects in a "from hunch to hypothesis" format. This means that ideas can be discussed to select research proposals that have potential. In addition, already established research protocols can be shared to look for collaboration.

  • Publications

    Among all publications made by researchers in the section, there have also been outstanding collaborative projects which have been published:

    - van Zanten HA, Kuypers KLAM, van Zwet EW, van Vonderen JJ, Kamlin COF, Springer L, Lista G, Cavigioli F, Vento M, Nunez-Ramiro A, Oberthuer A, Kribs A, Kuester H, Horn S, Weinberg DD, Foglia EE, Morley CJ, Davis PG, te Pas AB. A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of respiratory function monitoring during stabilisation of very preterm infants at birth. Resuscitation 2021;167:317-325.

    - Murphy MC, Galligan M, Molloy B, Hussain R, Doran P, O'Donnell C. Study protocol for the POPART study-Prophylactic Oropharyngeal surfactant for preterm infants: a randomised trial. BMJ Open 2020;10(7):e035994.

    - Pichler G, Baumgartner S, Biermayr M, Dempsey E, Fuchs H, Goos TG, Lista G, Lorenz L, Karpinski L, Mitra S, Kornhauser-Cerar L, Avian A, Urlesberger B, Schmolzer G. Cerebral regional tissue oxygen saturation to guide oxygen delivery in preterm neonates during immediate transition after birth (COSGOD III): an investigator-initiated, randomized, multi-center, multi-national, clinical trial on additional cerebral tissue oxygen saturation monitoring combined with defined treatment guidelines versus standard monitoring and treatment as usual in premature infants during immediate transition: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2019;20(1):178.

    In 2021, a review collection encompassing subjects on the topic Neonatal Resuscitation has been published in Pediatric Research:

    - Simma B, den Boer M, Nakstad B, Kuster H, Herrick HM, Rudiger M, Aichner H, Kaufmann M. Video recording in the delivery room: current status, implications and implementation. Pediatr Res 2021 Nov 24.

    - Niemuth M, Kuster H, Simma B, Rozycki H, Rudiger M, ESPR Neonatal Resuscitation Section Writing Group, Solevag AL. A critical appraisal of tools for delivery room assessment of the newborn infant. Pediatr Res 2021 Dec 30.

    - Batey N, Henry C, Garg S, Wagner M, Malhotra A, Valstar M, Smith T, Sharkey D, ESPR Neonatal Resuscitation Section Writing Group. The newborn delivery room of tomorrow: emerging and future technologies. Pediatr Res 2022 Mar 3.

    - Kauffman M, Mense L, Springer L, Dekker J, ESPR Neonatal Resuscitation Section Writing Group. Tactile stimulation in the delivery room: past, present, future. A systematic review. Pediatr Res 2022 Feb 5.

    - Lara-Canton I, Badurdeen S, Dekker J, Davis P, Roberts C, te Pas A, Vento M, ESPR Neonatal Resuscitation Section Writing Group. Oxygen saturation and heart rate in healthy term and late preterm infants with delayed cord clamping. Pediatr Res 2022 Jan 7.

    - Baik-Schneditz N, Schwaberger B, Bresesti I, Fuchs H, Lara I, Nakstad B, Lista G, Vento M, Binder-Heschl C, Pichler G, Urlesberger B. Fetal to neonatal transition: what additional information can be provided by cerebral near infrared spectroscopy? Pediatr Res 2022 May 21.

    In addition, many of individual or collaborative research projects have been incorporated in the latest resuscitation guidelines:

    - Madar J, Roehr CC, Ainsworth S, et al. European Resuscitation Council guidelines 2021: newborn resuscitation and support of transition at birth. Resuscitation 2021;161:291-326.

  • How to engage with us

    If you are interested in the research that is performed within the scope of our Neonatal Resuscitation Section, or if you would like to join our section and visit a meeting, do not hesitate to contact the ESPR Secretariat via They will be more than happy to forward your message to us.

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